Tutorials using the Amos Software
You should right-click and select "save target as" to preserve proper file format for any of the Amos files.You will need to reassociate Amos programs with the data files later before they will run, i.e., "select data files". "ppt" refers to powerpoint presentations.
1. Getting Started with Amos (ppt)
2. Indirect Effects and Concept of Mediation (ppt)
associated data file (xls)
first Amos example - Simple Regression (Amos file)
second Amos example - Test of Mediation (Amos file)
3. A Paper Discussing Coefficients (pdf)
4. Model Evaluation (ppt)
5. SEM versus the Univariate Model (ppt)
Amos example - univariate model (Amos file)
associated data set (use sheet 3) (xls)
Amos example - first SE model (Amos file)
Amos example - second SE model (Amos file)
6. A Simple Latent Variable Model (ppt)
for associated data set, use the one from (6)
Amos LV model without measurement error (Amos file)
Amos LV model with measurement error (Amos file)
7. Composites and Nonlinear Modeling (ppt)
for associated data set, use one from (6)
Amos first-stage example for nonlinear modeling (Amos file)
Amos second-stage example (with composite) (Amos file)
8. Multigroup Analysis (ppt)
data set for multi-group example (xls)
Amos multi-group example 1 (Amos file)
Amos multi-group example 1a (Amos file)
Amos multi-group example 1b (Amos file)
Amos multi-group example 1c (Amos file)
Amos multi-group example 1d (Amos file)
Amos multi-group example 2 (Amos file)
Amos multi-group example 2a (Amos file)
Amos multi-group example 2b (Amos file)
Amos multi-group example 2c (Amos file)
9. Intro to Amos Bayesian SEM and MCMC (ppt)
data set for MCMC estimation (xls)
Amos file for Bayesian estimation (Amos file, Amos 6 or later)
10. Working with Categorical Response Variables (ppt)
data set for binary response analysis (xls)
Amos file for binary response - recoding file (file to associate with Amos files for binary response analyses)
Amos file for binary response - first analysis (Amos file, Amos 6 or later)
Amos file for binary response - second analysis (Amos file, Amos 6 or later)